Monday, May 18, 2009

On commencing ...

Dear Class of 2012:

According to the letter containing BYU law school laptop requirements, that now means me.

I don't cry at funerals or weddings. I didn't cry when I needed stitches or when my goldfish died. I successfully hold back the tears every other Friday when my paycheck comes.

But I'm an emotional wreck at graduations.

I cry for the parents who are proud. I cry for the graduates who have reached a milestone. I cry for the amount of time they have spent saving, scrimping and working to pay for tuition. I cry because they are lucky and for the millions around the world who will never have an education. I cry because I'm one of the lucky ones. I cry because I'm done with school and I miss it. I should be crying because there is joy in leaving the university and because leaving has really been the point all along. I should be happy for all of those donned in cap and gown ... but I cry bitter tears for them because they have no idea how much better their lives are as students. I cry because I know I'm absurd.

My brother's high school graduation is a week away. My next graduation, still another three years. Good thing I've got some time to prepare.


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I bawled like a baby when I had to cover these too! What is it?

Cari said...

I can't believe you brother is ready to graduate high school! I can't even picture him as a grown man. I feel so old.

Philip Volmar said...

Is it Sam's graduation?? I can't remember how many brothers you have.

Brooke said...

Cari-- I know! He's taller than my dad now. I'll have to post pictures so you can see what a stud he is. =)

Phil -- Nope! But Sam does graduate from sixth grade this week! I just have the two brothers.

Sierra said...

Don't feel alone! I cried the other day THINKING of my little sister graduating! :-)

Kristen said...

Congratulations, Alex! And I think you might just make it through law school graduation without any tears. It's not really something anyone will miss. I'm planning to ditch my graduation and go to Bali before my loans need to be repaid and I have to get a job to do it.