Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On partisan relationships ...

I'm pretty sure I know which way the people we're house sitting for lean politically.

This is about the fifth phone call I've gotten from the Republican Congressional Committee for the husband. I just keep saying he isn't available.

Is it ridiculous that the lecture I got when I was six about never revealing too much about your house and who lives there to someone on the phone is still ingrained in my head and so I don't have the guts to tell them the guy they're looking for is gone for a year just in case it's some axe murderer or house thief is posing as a Republican and trying to get a confirmation that the house is unattended some of the time and that the owners are away?

Anyway, I'm tired of making up excuses so I'm thinking I'll have Dave answer next time, pretend to be the man they're looking for, and tell them he's decided to be Democrat.

That should do it.


alexkhulme said...

ah hahahaha.

and i like how you associate republicans with ax murders. im sure dave would approve too :)

Ray said...

I say keep him as a Republican, and have him pledge a large donation.

Brooke said...

Wouldn't that be an awesome surprise for them to get in the mail?!

"Our records indicate that on Dec. 30th you pledged $2,500 over the phone with one of our representatives."

They would love us I'm sure. And never let us house sit again. =)

Miranda said...

I've had a few of those calls for Pol Pot (Philpot). They finally got me on a bad day and I told the guy on the phone exactly what I thought of the GOP. It took a while...

Jackie said...

The Democrats call too...I hate saying no when there are so few of us in Utah.