Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Perilous ...

Well, we made it to the Grand Canyon and back and even survived a hike of Angel's Landing along the way! It was a bit steep and, well, narrow, but all three of us that hiked it felt very hardcore afterward.

Now that I'm back I'll be shortly resuming the alphabet posting game (you're getting excited for my anti-princess post aren't you?), though probably not every day. Clerkship applications are due this week and so life is once again consumed with school.

And the winner of the $20 gift certificate for pledging not to use the word "retard" as part of the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign goes to ... Natalie! I used the random number generator and #2 was the result. Yay for good causes and friends!


Di said...

I've always wanted to hike Angel's Landing, but I am afraid of heights and even much less high, much safer hikes freak me out. I suspect I would end up laying down and hugging the ground.

Alan Edwards said...

Did you actually HIKE the Grand Canyon, Brooke? 'Cause if so, that was some weekend.