So that whole blog redesign? Had to take a backseat to the bar exam ... a 22-subject, two-day exam of awesomeness that I'm pretty sure will bore me to tears between now and the end of July. However, I'm stocking all sorts of post ideas away in the meantime. The problem is, most of them are nerdy law student jokes, so hopefully when I re-emerge from this mess I will regain some (let's be honest, I'm just hoping for ANY) of my pre-law school personality, possibly a normal, non-jaded/legalized sense of humor, and quickly delete all of them rather than subject you to the absolutely HILARIOUS anecdote from work the other day that involved eminent domain. What? Eminent domain doesn't get you rolling in laughter? It didn't work on Dave, either. But it got one of my very sleep-deprived classmates really going so I guess I'm still good for entertainment somewhere.
Just not here. Sorry, friends. I realize how lame this blog is at the moment.
So there's my update. And here's hoping late summer/early fall not only brings one more lawyer admitted to the Utah State Bar and the baby girl we've got coming around Sept. 20th, but hopefully a new blog, too. Maybe even one worth keeping on your Google reader or blog roll? One can only hope.