Thursday, February 5, 2009

On dating ...

I've been asked out through e-mail, via text and on Facebook. (And now I'm starting to sound like Drew Barrymore on the trailer of "He's Just Not That Into You.) But I still have yet to be asked out by e-card.

I'm sorry, but is it wrong this increases my desire to attend the U of U for law school? And I thought Utah State was cool for having "True Aggie" chapstick.


Kristen said...

I'm just not doing a good enough job convincing you, or anyone, how miserable it really is. :) I can't wait to have you around next year, though!

Jenni Rigby said...

Yes, yes it is wrong that you want to go to the U because of that. Ugh...Would you actually go out with someone who send you that?

Brooke said...

AAACHH!!! NO! I definitely wouldn't. But I'm impressed with whoever thought of this concept. They clearly understand how complicated dating has become ... "wondered if you wanted" "be vague!" "....hang" "give them an out!"