Saturday, March 26, 2011

Do you ...

judge people when they don't order a drink and then fill up the water cups with Gatorade?

I do.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mhana, you ugly!!!

So I'm working on a paper for my feminism and law class when I realize I'm starving. I leave the law school and venture into BYU undergraduate land to get some use out of their food court. Now I'm sitting down to write more of said paper in the student center so I can eat without the law school folk yelling at me for bringing food into the study rooms. I swear undergrads get younger every year.

Anyway, guess what conversation the two Zoobies are having next to me?

The feminist implications of Johnny Lingo.


It is taking every ounce of willpower I possess to keep working and not join in.

(Watch THIS awesomely funny and dead-on John Stewart video -- you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page after hitting the link -- if you want the story that prompted the paper I'm writing about the intersection of tort law, feminist schools of thought, and freedom of contract principles apparent in the former rape employment clauses of some military contractors.)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm playing catch-up this month. On studying. On grades. At work.

Where did I get so behind?

Well, first I was in Minneapolis. That place is cold. The Mall of America was a total disappointment but there was some neat architecture on the UofMinn campus. The moot court competition there rocked and we represented our school well. Can we just talk about how much FUN appellate work is? Why on earth are there so many TV shows dedicated to boring trial work when the real action comes in during the appeal?

Next, I was swamped with coordinating the PILF Auction. We're still wrapping up the loose ends. Did/will the auction benefit me in any way? No. Will my grades probably be worse for it? Yes. But did my committee and volunteers totally more than DOUBLE last year's proceeds and will this mean that more students can go out and use their legal educations to serve people in need? Absolutely.

Then my doctor told me I needed outpatient procedures. I cried. I don't have time to be knocked out for a day or two. And then he took away my medicine so I was up for two nights in pain. (It's just heartburn people ... did this really need to be a crisis that HAD to be dealt with during finals prep?The short answer is no. He was just in too much of a hurry to really talk to me the first time around.) I went back after a very upsetting and completely unproductive 48 hours only to have him change his mind in exchange for a blood draw instead and a promise to get the procedure done sometime this summer. And I now have a one-day stay at the hospital to look forward to after finals instead of watching movies or sleeping before the Law Review write-on starts. Yay.

My uncle passed away. The funeral was wonderful and we all miss him. It's good to have family close by.

And ... now we're caught up. I think I'll get back to catching up on school instead of blogging. Even though you all are way more fun.